Stories from Young People who have completed the Scholarship.

Graduate Yara
2021 Scholarship Garduate
What did you get out of the scholarship?
Well most obviously I learnt how to skate! I was taught all the basics and then even a few simple tricks. At first we learnt the different ways we can skate and stop. Then how to pump up a ramp (obviously started it off with a small ramp). And by the end of the scholarship I was able to go down a ramp without falling.
How has it helped you?
It definitely made me much more confident with my self. When I first started the scholarship, my whole body was so stiff and I was to scared to try anything which then made it really hard to skate. But eventually I got a loosened and just trusted my skates.
What was your favourite part of the Scholarship?
Definitely learning how to go down the ramp. It was so scary at first but it felt so good after I did it.
What is the dream trick you’d like to learn?
I really want to learn how to do a salchow and to go down bigger ramps at the skate park.
Graduate Aniya
2021 Scholarship Graduate
What did you get out of the scholarship?
I had fun and I learnt a lot.
What was your favourite part of the Scholarship?
The scholarship has given me a new skill of roller skating and given me confidence go try new things even when they scare me.
What was your favourite part of the Scholarship?
Watching people's tricks and trying some of them myself.
What is the dream trick you'd like to learn?
I would love to learn the ramp more.

2021 Scholarship Graduate
What did you get out of the scholarship?
I got to meet new people and learn some amazing skills. It helped me to feel more confident in myself and also in helping others if they need help.
How has it helped you?
I feel much more confident in what I can do now. I will keep trying to learn the skill I want to do until I perfect it. I love skating and the way it makes me feel. It makes me feel happy and proud that I can achieve anything.
What was your favourite part of the scholarship?
Meeting new people. Been able to drop into the big ramps. When I started I could do some bits but now I feel I can try anything. The amazing support I have received from Maggie & Len. Also the community feel with all the other roller skaters I have met through the scholarship they are all so nice and will always help you.
What is the dream trick you would like to learn?
I would love to be able to stall now I have my new blocks. I am practicing every chance I get and hope to be able to do this soon.